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Sunday, April 27, 2014

The dishes can wait

We have really been enjoying our time off together. It feels like maternity/paternity leave again with the 1:1 kid:parent ratio.

We are all so blessed to have this time off together and to have half of it be at home. It feels like Christmas every day to have my loves right beside me. Owen is acting pretty normal besides the night waking and the incessant daddy-wanting is slowly losing strength. 

Seems like the days rotate around sleep but that's what it's all about being a parent of littles. This is our last week off together, and we are doing up all the laundry from the trailer, cleaning it and our home, and doing springtime property chores. Somedays the stars align and the children sleep at the same time. This is truly a miracle as far as I'm concerned! Ara's room is so close to the kitchen so I am forced to be quiet.

I was a little social this last week, stopped by a sister's birthday party and a wedding shower. It was great to get out and celebrate old friends. I gifted the future bride an apron I made and I wish I could have retracted my reply when talking about it! The power of retrospect... I can re-live that moment here:). People were impressed that I made it and have little ones, and my lame comment was "I don't sleep much."
 I should have said: "Around our home, the dishes can and do wait." 

This is the honest truth! I'm not staying up until odd hours crafting, or running all over town for supplies. I had the fabric stockpiled and I found some that reminded me of her. I cut it out in 2 sessions and put it together in an hour after bedtime. Yes it was a nice gift and yes it took me some time, but yes there were (and are!) dishes in the sink. And yes I enjoy making things with my hands too. 

So there, I'm not a Martha with a sparkling house (unless my aunt or mom comes over and helps out!), or a mom who stays up late to wake up to a glimmering kitchen every morning. Something usually gives to make way for something else, just like any choice in life. 

When I'm cleaning sometimes Owen will ask me to play with him. I really strive to walk away from my task to hang. I've realized I can't keep up with the domestic demands nor do I want to. 

So if you come over there just may be dog hair tumbleweeds and baby food spoons thrown on the floor. I wish I would have had the right words at the shower-as I'm not ashamed to admit it- but next time I'll have the answer ready: the dishes can & do wait!


Kim said...

I am so proud of you guys, you truly realize what the important things are as parents and in life in general! Miss you and LOVE you all like the dickens!! Just realized I can post comments har har!!

The Brittons said...

Oh boy! love those comments you silly gal har har!

Winn Family said...

This is great! I feel like it's an awesome mantra - the dishes can wait. It's true of so many things in life. xoxo