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Saturday, August 28, 2010

An important day

Hello all~
I'm giving Chris the day off of blogging. I am starting this late, about 7 and we haven't left the hospital yet. We also need to eat and pick up some fruit for the RN's in the ICU. We are anticipating a discharge tomorrow and wanted to give the RN's something yummy and healthy, so we came up with a fruit basket.

O has had a fantastic day and has increased the amount of momma's milk he can take on his own. His breathing rate is still fast, but improving little by little each day. He is up to between 30-50ml by bottle and his goal is 75. He's doing so good, but he gets tired and falls asleep which never happened during meals pre-op. He had one spit up but hey he's a baby, we'll give him that. Daddy is comforting

O right now because poor baby has the hiccups. He had them in utero twice a day especially towards the end. But after a decent spit up, and oh yeah, open heart surgery, hiccups kinda hurt. So he would have a little squeal after each one of pain. Dad has the mobile on and and O is getting the classic forehead rub and back massage. He is resting comfortably now and the hiccups are gone.

Today is an important day for many reasons. 11 years ago today Chris and I went on our first "date". It was a double date to Mels and I paid because Chris didn't have any money (we were 16 years old, give him a break!) It was a day that we celebrated for 5 years until he asked me if I would like to marry him. And that was 6+years ago! Our lives are better than we could have imagined together-going through college, getting married, travelling around, starting our family at home, and falling in love with Owen. We are so different in so many ways than 11 years ago, but also so much the same. It is funny to think about how much has changed but so refreshing to see that our love for each other has continued to grow and evolve just as we do.

On our way to Ronalds from the parking garage a woman pulled over and asked Chris directions on how to get to 101S. He gave them directions. This wouldn't seem so crazy but over the years every time Chris and I have come to SF we have gotten lost. And now we know our way (or think we do at least.)

A little update at Ron's- no bueno sleep last night. Our neighbor/shared bathroom dude had some interesting nose issues at 1 and 5am, and kept Chris and I up running the shower. After 130 our bed decided to give way one last time. We decided to not put it back together, and just remove the boxspring itself and slept on the mattress on the floor. It was solid so we didn't care. Plus, I am still pumping twice through the night so it was not very restful. It sounds weird to say but we are actually looking forward to being tired from Owen keeping us going at night. It is something that new parents have a hard time with adjusting and all (and I know we will too!!) but it will mean that we are HOME and we can START what we have been craving for so long to do...hug on him and cuddle him and love him and snuggle and give him what he needs when he needs it in the comfort of our home.
I can just picture him in our arms on our deck, staring up at the trees! I can just picture Blue running up to him and licking his feet. I can just picture him sleeping in bed with us although we swore we wouldn't let him. I can just picture myself wrapping him up around me and carrying him around like I have been craving to do for so long. I cannot wait for these pictures to turn into reality.

But I know that we wont be home until we are bouncing down our driveway, and I am patient. I have learned that through this process patience is key. Also, fear is harder to manage than stress. I think that when we get back to our lives- I mean start our new lives with Owen- we will strive to not sweat the small stuff. We all know how precious life is, but so many of us (us included!) focus on silly things that really don't matter. So in this waiting game we are now patient. And in this stressful time we are calm. And are we afraid of this rent-to own agreement coming to a close? You bet! But our excitement wins tenfold!


The Schwartz Family said...

Hoping for the d/c tomorrow!! What an amazing thing and cannot wait to see the pictures of him in his carseat on the way home and finally home where he belongs with his Mommy and Daddy! Keep going guys! Go Owen!

Sayna said...

So glad to hear things are going well, can not wait to see you guys. Thank you for sharing this experience with us so openly. It has made us focus more on important issues. And interestingly enough become closer to you, even though I have never meet Chris, it feels like I have known him for ever. I have been forever touched and changed because of your experience and words.

Rudy said...

Your miracle baby is so inspiring! We hope for a quick discharge tomorrow. How wonderful it will be to take him to his real home and meet your ZOO!

Candyce said...

This is exciting news! And happy anniversary to a wonderful couple. 11 years since your first date! Much love.

laurel said...

Awe Chelsea, this is so great :D. What a wonderful post. Wishing all the best for you two and your little one!!

Debbie Baker said...

Way to go Chris and Chelsea! What a nice post. Hope all goes well when you bring Owen home and you can get into a normal routine at your own home!