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Sunday, September 12, 2010

My First attempt

Ok so I think I have figured out where to find pictures that I have recently uploaded...Just some minor technical difficulties but hopefully they are figured out now. I have promised pictures of our chicken crew...Here is Pat the rooster and his laying ladies.
Peeking at the door when I opened it!
Laying in the roost. I had a double yolked egg today... TWINS!
This is the picture that goes with todays post which is actually about yesterday (9/11). Ya follow? Ok. So I haven't really been going many places these days. We have had about 2 MD's appointments weekly and Chris drives us and I hang in the back with O. Since Chris is going back to work this week (eek!) I decided it was time to get brave and go out on my own. My big plan was to go jogging at Lotus Park which is really only minutes from here. I fed myself, fed O, got the Bob in the car, diaper bag, etc. Ready to go! I even let O's stomach sit for about 30 minutes before loading him up into his carseat. I snap him into his carseat and he coughs...Uh oh...this has been the precursor for some vomit in the past...that ng irritates his throat and sometimes all he needs is a little cough...yep, you guessed it. Luckily I had a burp cloth right there and caught most of it...but not the part that went on his jammies and carseat.. If we really NEEDED to go, then I would have done the quick change of jammies and put him down on a towel or something in his seat. So our "jogging in jams" didn't happen. I changed him, put him in the snugly (baby bjorn thing) and we went on an hour walk around our neighborhood. It was a nice morning and he slept the whole time. So that was the extent of our adventures for now. Maybe in the next few days we will try it again. The pic above is of him tucked in asleep in the carrier.

I was able to go get a massage today (birthday present!) with my mom and sisters. It was special for sure, and not every day that we can all get together. I can't quite keep up with our visitors on the blog, but aunt Court, Jac and Colin came back by (engaged!! wahoo!!), Jay and kiddos, Brittany and Sol, and Margaux and Jake in the last few days.

Chris and I are gearing up for him going back to work and also really trying to get this kid's feedings down. We are infusing his high calorie milk over a longer period of time and it seems to have helped. He stopped taking as much higher calorie in the bottle so we went down on that a little so he can enjoy it more. Doesn't make for a flexible schedule but as long as we are home it has been working. He has been regulating his own schedule which has lead to a happier household. He sleeps well at night- going up to 4.5hours. It has made a difference these last 2 days. Will keep this going, even if I write it in shifts (started in the am and finished at night!)
Love to you all!

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