Well after last night I think we have everyone on their toes waiting for the next installment of Owens world. From the last post Owen had a hard day yesterday with decreased oxygen saturation's which was making the staff at Roseville a little nervous. He continued on oxygen and viagra. They started him yesterday on another drug called nitric oxide that he breathes through his nasal cannula. N O helps dilate only the the vessels in the lungs and is said to help with the pulmonary pressures that the little guy has been having. He did not have great results with it. His cardiologist had sent some images to UCSF with concern to Owens pulmonary veins. UCSF saw this and with the symptoms that Owen was having yesterday they thought it would be appropriate for Owen to be transferred down to UCSF. Chelsea and I had already left the hospital and just made it home when we got the call that Owen was going to SF. It was good that we were at home so we did a lot of packing and last minute clean up. We both think we over packed but we have no idea how long we are going to be here. We loaded everything up including Blue the dog and were on our way. Blue is at her cousin Kahlua's house for now and has been doing fine. Wynt reports some goofy behavior like sprintng around the yard, following people into the bathroom, and hanging out in Wynt's walk in closet all day. These behaviors do not shock us- she's a weirdo. We were able to make it to the hospital on time to see O before he left. There was a change in how he was going to get here. UCSF said that they wanted to come and get him and were going to fly him here. Yes, day 11 first plane flight with a MD, RN, and RT. He was in very good hands for the flight here. He did well and arrived at UCSF at about 4 in the morning as we did too. We were able to set up a hotel before leaving to come down here so it was nice to be in bed around 5, it was a long day with everything. We were able to get a few hrs of sleep before the trolley cars started running and I mean the large ones. Remember those commercials where the train or subway goes by and the whole room starts shaking?? that's what happened at about 0700.(this is why we live in the country) We were able to find our little man this morning in the Cardiac ICU and he looked very rested and calm wondering where we had been. He had another repeat echo today and they were able to see that his veins looked good and there will probably not be anything that needs to be fixed. The cardio team also said that Owen has a very mild case of Ebsteins which was great to here as well. The plan will continue that they will stop the viagra for now and continue him on the N O and try to wean him off that as his sats come up when the pulmonary pressure decreases. He has been doing good, in other good news they removed his scalp IV so its been good to see his normal head. Some other things they are going to try is to give him a blood transfusion that they said will help, so they are letting me donate the blood to be given to him. Word for the wise, when you donate blood do it on a day when you have slept for more than 2 hrs and have eaten some food. I did not pass out because I would never live that down but it was an interesting walk back to the hotel. Today, all and all was a good day. The staff here is good, Chelsea and I are good. We had to take a Hotel room tonight that has 2 twin beds because this is all they had. (kinda funny, feel like I am 10 again) Thank you for all the well wishes we will let you all know when we know more.
I've been blog stalking you all evening to hear the updates. I'm so glad you 3 made it to SF safe and sound. What a scare, but It sounds like Owen is making some big strides in the right direction. He is just so adorable! Big hugs to you guys and let us know if we can help! XOXO
Glad to see the blog, Like Rudy I must have checked the blog 100 times yesterday. Glad to hear SF is impressed with Owen.
Thanks for the updates! Sounds like the trip to SF was a very long day! Glad to hear Owen is doing well!! He is a cutie!! Hang in there Brittons!! Hope you get to come home soon! We are praying for you guys.
I wasnt blog stalking but i couldnt wait to see your update!!! So happy to see things are ok. Wow plane ride (or was it helicopter?) to SF. He is pretty important and you are getting your moneys worth from Kaiser now for sure!! UCSF is amazing all the people I know that have gone there loved it. Thinking of you sending good thoughts. I can't believe you thought it was ok to donate blood without eating!!!
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