We road tripped out to the ocean for a day and a drive. Of course we stopped in Petaluma at Bella Trattorio, THE best restaurant I have been to lately. Home grown, or at least grown by a local farmer, organic when possible, and only in season ingredients on the menu (Chris kept thinking, "could I just get the B.L.T. without the T???"
) The thing that I like best about it is that you get to walk through the kitchen on the way to the bathrooms. It is homey, and even though I have been in restaurant kitchens, I feel like it is a glamourous glimpse into the creation of such down-home foods and treats. Of course homemade bread and noodles.

Well we were overthinking the heat a little. From frequenting the place, you would think we would remember to pack/dress fairly warmly. Yet we didn't. We set up our chairs and used the oversized beach towel as a mini snuggy. We played catch, ate some salt-water taffy, and took in the smell of the fresh crisp air.

Up we drove through Occidental and down to Sebastopol. The last time Chris was in Occidental was with Kyle P and his parents. The last time I was there was for Science camp in 6th grade!! I hadn't been to Sebastopol since visiting Kaela with Margaux probably 6 years ago. We got some fro-yo (of course!!) and figured that we were in the wrong business that day. Anyone else ever observe how many people come and go out of fro-yo's? Almost as many as coffee shops.

Peace of mind. Chill-ax. Relax....We had a splendid time driving and were home before dark.