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Monday, May 2, 2011

Remembering Mary

Been meaning to blog this for a loooong time....
Chris's grandmother passed away when we were in the hospital. Mary, Chris's Dad's mom, had been not doing well recently, and she passed away with family near in Arizona. She was an active community member here in Placerville in her day, and she moved with the Brittons when they went to AZ. Mary was such a sweet heart, and would always speak her truth. She loved her family so very very much, and we will miss her so. The graveside service is tomorrow and we are housing a small family get together tomorrow afterwards. Although it isn't for a happy reason, we are sure looking forward to seeing our nephew Mat, and Auntie Shari and Uncle Josh get to meet Owen as well. The whole Britton side hasn't been together since January 2010 when we went down to Havasu for a belated Christmas. We will miss you very much, Mary.

A quick posting this morning....
Owen is doing well, had our follow-up cardiology appointment and EKG on friday. Sats were even up to 78%! We will take a C+ for SURE!! His c diff is doing ok, the hives are still itching, and the benedryl is still on board to help keep him comfortable. He is also getting more teeth, had an additional snaggler pop through yesterday. (Has 2 incisiors on the top, no front teeth:)) He is doing very well, going against the no tummy time rules and reaching like crazy for everything in sight. Even had his first wave yesterday to Aunt Court! We have been well fed between the Aubins, Bowens, Langfords, and Fusons. Blue was also returned to us by Kim and Austin, and Owen was so happy to see her. Have I said before how LUCKY we are for all of the LOVE in our lives? Just had to say it again. We are still unpacking and laundering around here, as well as catching up on sleep. The laundry is at an all time high due to Owen's poo issues, needing twice daily baths, washing whatever chair he is sitting in, and usually at least 4 outfit changes. Signing off from home sweet home!


Heidi Ann said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Chris's grandmother.
Hugs to all of you.
Love, Heidi

The Winn Family said...

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Sayna said...

Our condolences, however glad to hear that she had such a beautiful and active life. Yeh for Mr Owen.