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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Common Thread

No Pictures for this post, just a quick "true" blog!
Notice that Chris and I are rarely together in these pictures. My schedule has been fairly regular, Monday-Friday 8-5 with 2-3 clients a week after my "day job". Chris however, has been working his normal shifts (3-4 a week) 2-11pm, plus (2-4) nursing school shifts that have been anywhere attached to his normal shift. He has been doing many doubles (Meaning starting at 6am and getting home around 12am). So, we have not been seeing too much of each other. Every 9 days he gets a full day off. His hard work will pay off soon! This last semester, when you would think we would have it down by now, has been the hardest on us, just do to the fact that we haven't seen much of each other. But, it has been fairly short term.
In the meantime, life goes on. I can't do too much for him,staying at home waiting for him (Besides laundry and groceries) so off I go!!!

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