The garden is in full BLOOM!

Some blue lake pole beans climbing right off the teepee...

Just a few tomato flowers, I think this is a cherry. Hoping for more varieties than last year. We planted at least 5 varieties last year and wound up with only romas... Hmmmm...

This is one of my favorite sections in the garden. The far right row has sunflowers, heirloom cucumber, and butternut squash. The middle row has soybeans, and the left row has a few varieties of tomatoes. Chris recently put in 14 additional cages around some tomato plants, I think totaling around 20 plants. Can't wait to share, save, and possibly sell? Gramps always said he wanted a 'truck garden' which is defined as selling your garden goods out of the back of your truck. I can just see Owen and I hanging out on the side of the road while Chris is at work, with our truck garden!

Foreground: melon, middle ground: tomato, background and all around: weeds.

Quick trip to the garden with a little variety to the basket! Snow peas, radishes, parsley, heirloom cucumber, and my love, kale!

A beautiful sunflower, and a sweet lady inside! Not bad for a little Canon Proshot point and shoot, no? I have been telling Chris I want a wild garden, a little nook of my own to go crazy in that is safe from deer. I am now realizing that our garden IS my wild garden, it just changes every year!

Red potatoes, harvesting a pound or two a week of these, or fingerlings, or russets.

Bean teepee, house in background.
Finally got these pics updated, these are actually from tonight! There are lots of flowers on all of the squash, the original cilantro has bolted, turnips, beets, romaine, mesclun, kale are all doing well. The corn is slowly taking hold, and the bush beans are all about 8 inches tall. The potatoes are lost in a sea of dandelion greens, and weeds, so only to be harvested while wearing muck boots. Sad to say that the our chickens have been slowly hunted over the last 2 months, starting with Pat. Tonight I am bummed to report that we are not chicken owners anymore, despite the efforts to protect them. We will be chicken owners again, but maybe not until next year. Made it about a year without buying eggs. Mother nature is pretty powerful, someone said when Pat was the first to go that the hunter will be back, and yes they were. Still not sure what it was, but it isn't a vegetarian... OK no time for jokes.