Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Season of Birthdays

Well after attempting to upload photos twice for this post I abandoned it and here I am a week later. Our computer needed a tune up and my car is in the shop right now. If Chris and I had our way we would be getting massages every other day. We are making it on little sleep, as these babes seem to coordinate their waking. I'm really curious if all kids are this way? Most parents I poll reply that theirs sleep much better but that they are still exhausted. Hmmm. The blessing about these days *years* is that they are absolutely bursting with love, happiness, and laughter. So there is the mania in it all.

Here goes my third try at uploading photos! (it ended up taking over an hour...Our computer is not doing well with multi tasking)

Baby Jack's birth story started with me hanging with my girls! Wynt and Dave went to Costa Rica and I wanted to have those girls to myself for a while. We had a blast I wish I had more time with them.
We tie dyed shirts in the garage! It was the first time I had done that since girl scouts. So messy and creative, just right!
Jac went into labor around 5am the morning I was with the girls! Elise and Ava didn't start school until 9am so I met up with the lovely neighbor who was going to have them after school and dropped them off with the family so that I could rush over to the hospital. I made it around 830 and he was born at 9:04! I missed having the girls for another hour in the morning but this was a one time opportunity!

He is a healthy boy and Jac labored for just a few hours. AMAZING!

Happy 35th Birthday, Wynt!
 Let it go on repeat on the girls Kareoke machine.
 Dance party
 Happiest of days to my sis! We had a ball getting massages, going to lunch, and spending dinner together.
 This one! She turned 60 this month. We had celebrated in October by taking her to Capitola for 2 nights but on her real birthday we had a family dinner. She is just gorgeous!

So blessed to have such wonderful women in my life! Court's birthday was in November but I didn't get to see her on her day. Her and Marsh had a road trip to Sonoma so she had a good day. I just adore my ladies!

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