Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lazy layers

Well the ladies aren't laying many eggs around here... Maybe they are getting old, or the heat may be getting to them. I've also heard too many treats can throw off their nutrition for laying... We went from 4 daily to 1 per day total!! And ara eats yolks like crazy too!

Since we inherited our flock there's no way to know the ages of the hens... We were told they were different ages... I am not really cutting back on the scraps...
We make a lot of food scraps and the value of veggie waste going into another mouth to feed is so awesome, especially when compost needs are slim. 

Since they aren't laying much we dread running out of feed. The organic laying feed is easily 25$ more per bag than the non organic... Seriously! Dang!! It's almost double the cost. But what's the point of having your own chickens if they get fed the genetically modified soy & corn stuff anyway. Not to say it isn't tempting. Especially when I'm getting an egg a day. Ugh! 

we have also been giving them organic scratch. When that ran out a bit ago I thought I could make some. Good thing I'm a bulk pantry shopper, as I had most ingredients on hand. I didn't have cracked corn but I tossed in polenta. They didn't seem to mind. 

I just mixed together flax, oats, polenta, and sunflower seeds. It provides nutrition and also gives them something to do. I've also been giving them flaxseed regularly to increase the omegas in their eggs. Or egg. 

In these 100 degree days of summer they have been doing pretty well, enjoying their dust baths and fresh water provided most days twice per day. 

We enjoy the activity in walking down to the coop but some days I will admit I wish it was a bit closer. 

There is also a new chick, Peepers, who is staying in a nearby apartment until big enough to let the pecking order ensue. 

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