Thursday, April 24, 2014

Owen Update

The phone appointment Monday went well. We tapered a diuretic to one dose then no doses the last 2 days. He is going in for another chest xray and labs today. He doesn't know it yet. He did play a wicked game of RN and MD last night, he was so happy! He also mentioned this morning that he's so glad to be home from the hospital. Hopefully his chest congestion looks better and we can continue to slowly taper the meds. He's on Lasix and aldactone twice a day, and his usual aspirin once per day. He was also started on previcid, which we didn't give for the first few days home. After he continued to eat poorly and continue to be kinda gaggy 1/4 the way through meals we decided to start him on it short term. Something has helped as he is eating practically normal! He is also off of 2 of the medications that he came home on, which of course list nausea, stomach upset as side effects. (Seems like all meds list this!) We have decided to stop it next week and see if he continues to eat well. He was on it as an infant and I think it is just a knee jerk prescription in conjunction with the other meds he was on. But we aren't knee jerk parents, if he doesn't need it or benefit from it, he doesn't need it!

He continues to amaze us. He is playing, dancing, wanting to wrestle all the time. His incision looks AMAZING. I know some pictures we posted looked a bit rough but they used surgical glue which made it look a bit intense. It really looks great, I'm so impressed.

Thank goodness last night we got some decent sleep. The night before Ara woke at 2, 4, 6, Owen was up 230-330. LOCO! I felt like a hungover zombie all day, Chris slept in a bit, then I went to rest when the kids took naps. So great to have time off to not have to be anywhere when we are pulling all nighters. Ara is popping more teeth and either Owen can hear her crying or he is still having some post- hospital stress issues. He is improving with his night waking but usually the kids conspire to have a whole house sleepless night!

Fingers crossed for a smooth chest xray and labs for Owen & Chris.
I found this goofy old picture when we were growing his hair out and he was still in his crib!

Ara Mae is almost crawling, eating sweet potatoes and green beans, and blowing spit bubbles these days. 

1 comment:

  1. Chelsea - I'm so glad Owen is doing well! And sorry to hear about your sleepless nights.
    I REALLY hope that I am able to meet your adorable children soon and see you and Chris again - it has been WAY too long!
    Talked to your Mama last night....
