Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Overwhelmed with April

I can't even put words together by mouth let alone type! I'm snuggling next to my boy, just us. It's amazing. Keeping it brief but this afternoon he was out of bed up in a chair and had a little photo sesh with his surgeon. We are beyond impressed by his strength and inspired to infinity and beyond. He starts smiling a little. 

Even with others helping today was very overwhelming. Owen was obviously uncomfortable, drugged, thirsty, etc. He was able to get rid of some medical bling already. 

I am going to post a few pics then take care of some other things like pumping, eating, drinking, and using the bathroom myself. 

So grateful for my life.
His awesome surgeon, even if she's a dodgers fan, lol.
My best boy!!


  1. Is it just me, or is his color fabulously better???? <3 <3 <3

  2. Is it just me, or is his color fabulously better???? <3 <3 <3

  3. Awwwww struck by so many things! Owen looks like he's in god shape, and he looks like he's in great hands between you and his team. Second thing: totally thrilled his surgeon was a woman ;)
