Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday night is pizza night

At home we usually make pizza fridays and have a pizza night. Owen said pizza sounded good so I ordered it for him. 

It's been the quietest day here so far. Owen had Ativan on board to help with him getting a new IV, the cardiac line out, the pacer wires out, and his chest tubes out. These were done about an hour apart for various reasons. He also had a chest X-ray which was improving. He basically slept in bed from 1230-5pm. No drinking no eating just stoned and asleep. He would wake during the not fun procedures but was happily drunk throughout. 

I met their dietitian, asked for vitamins and a milkshake with fiber, and about his vitamin d level that was drawn. Sadly it was 13... Dang! It was 25 3 years ago and 40 2 years ago so I kept him on the same dose... Guess he needs more. Fooey mama! (Normal low is 30, but 50 is better.) he's on it now, but I think it's the same dose as home.

Since he was in bed all day we got him out while he still had some adivan on board. It wasn't quite as crazy getting him out if bed as he was down a few tubes but it is still a multi person ordeal. He even stood up a few times and sat back into his recliner.

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