Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fingers crossed

Today we switched some things around. We lightened the pain meds, and stopped vitamins and miralax to see if it helped Owen's appetite. It didn't seem to make a difference for most of the day. 

Marsh was a huge help, she took orders like an obedient mama! We had some good laughs and ate too much sushi. 

Owen napped most of the morning, wanting us to sing him songs and sit in the chair just like home.

Ara slept at the same time (on me) so I could read a little material I brought and have barely cracked into.
Another nap, hopefully the only time she sleeps in a hospital bed!

Owen woke and we tried getting him to eat a bit. Not a lot of luck. Seems like his last thread of control is to refuse food.

Later on he devoured almost a whole serving of curly fries. guess he was holding out for the junkier junk!

He needed an echo and EKG today and we worked with child life. She made him an awesome superhero doll and Owens RN Vince today even dressed up like a superhero! Owen was just not feeling it, crying, resisting, pretty much fed up with it all. 

We made it through the echo pretty well, Owen fought more for vitals and re taping his IV. 

The EKG was a challenge because he has to lay still and we pretty much have to hold him down for 10 seconds. Not fun. All done. 

Echo looked good and the fenestration is actually open. This is good. EKG looked good too, whew. 

Owen got out of bed a lot today (no more playroom... I didn't bring enough wine to tackle another playroom visit). He walked the halls, played and jumped monster trucks with grandma and I, and drove in a mini car around the unit. So nice to ditch tubes!

Signing off, I'm headed to bed. Hopefully we will go home tomorrow or Saturday. His morning chest X-ray wasn't clearing up as fast as they would like so we will know after the next chest X-ray tomorrow. If you're ever worried about the radiation from X-rays in kids just know Owen has had quite a few and he's doing pretty well. They cover up his trunk and privates:) 
Superhero Owen!

Mad props to our housesitters, and my extra hand people we've had come down. This would be a very different story without our people with their hands & hearts in our world: Jac, nana, papa, papa schlitz, court, Wynt, marsh, Randi, Dan, Bryce, Amanda, josh. Its been so amazing to have so many people shed light and love on our family. Plus the sweet car packages and goodies have made this adventure quite a bit smoother. 

Disclaimer: blurry photos are a pet peeve of mine but kids move a lot and this is what I've got for today.

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