Thursday, March 27, 2014


Well we are counting down for sure now. We stopped Owen's daily aspirin yesterday, and the gears are really turning for leaving for SF. It's a crazy thing to go through twice already, and yet this third time seems so much more intense, with more unknowns. He is older which is better so he can communicate with us, but this is also something that is so challenging to explain to a 3.5 year old. I have made a coloring book explaining our trip to SF to help prepare him a little bit. He knows his heart is getting a tune up. He knows he gets new toys in the hospital. He knows how to deep breathe and to ask for a hug if he is sore. Other than that...

I had some awesome friends offer to shop for me, do errands, etc. We are so grateful for family and friends. What would we do!??? I had my mom come over and I got out of the house solo this week, what, what!!
Got a quick run (aka therapy) sesh in with Wynt on the trail by traders.

Chris is going to Costco and the feed store tomorrow to finish up his "to buy" list.

Ara decided to cut 2 teeth this week. I AM HOPING THOSE SUCKERS CROP UP ASAP!! They are poking out, she is pretty bummin', and I am soothing her most of the day & night.
This is for a laugh. We are both eating avocado with a spoon for dinner. Like mother like babe! It's also on both of our faces, guess I need a bib too.

We have had some visitors come to wish us well. Of course with no illness, no sick contacts, and sadly no children. They stop at the sink first to wash up, ha, that's nothing new coming to our house! It has been great to have extra hugs and love when we are in locked down. Owen enjoys it too.

Uncle Dave is going on a business trip during April so we will miss out on seeing him. Owen loved his playtime with just uncle Dave!

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of all of you, Chelsea. And I just loved seeing all of these photos!
    XOXOXO, Heidi
