Thursday, October 24, 2013

Home with a newborn!!!

Needless to say we are thrilled to be home!!! We came home the day after her birthday. Since she was such a big little girl they checked her blood sugars every three hours, 3 times, and they were all good so that was a relief. 

Owen was with Nana and Papa and we decided to have him meet Ara at home. We ended up having 2 cars at the hospital and Paul helped us out with that as well. Owen and papa had a lot of good quality time together!

I'll condense the birth story as I tend to really enjoy these and overshare. I went into labor at home, the night of 10/16. Jac was here and helped with Owen. Once we were sure I was in labor and had a plan we loaded him up, dropped him off and met Chris at the hospital. Of course he had just gotten off of work... Same situation with Owen... Sorry!! 

I was 4cm dilated at around 1am. The rest (other than contractions) went pretty quickly. When I was 7 cm the midwife offered to break my water but I said no, I was going to let it take its course, thinking I had about an hour. The next contraction I felt like pushing, and did, and broke my water like a water balloon, hitting anything 5 feet out in its path! Before you knew it I was ready to go. The hardest part came and went or so I thought. Her shoulder ended up being stuck in my pelvis and the midwife and RN did some maneuvers to get her out. She came out, but was taken quickly to the table to recover as she actually came out looking worse/more blue than Owen. These kids! They make an interesting entrance! Her color improved and even though I was insisting on getting her back to me quickly the team weighed her and then returned her... Yes... Fresh out the gates she was 9#6 oz... Then had 6 bowel movements that that day and was down almost a pound... Why didn't she just come out lighter!!??

Anyway, that is her story! We are ragged, recovering, but never happier!!! Family and friends have helped us out so much, we are so grateful. It is so sweet to be home, having 1:1 time with our newbie! No medical cords allowed!! It is just so wonderful I never really felt like we had missed out on that with Owen but boy we did. It was just part of his story... But being able to Breastfeed whenever, NOT PUMP!!, take pictures of your baby, and just share those moments in a cozy home environment. I knew I wasn't going to take it for granted but I also didn't know it would be so fulfilling! 

Ok Ara is almost done with her meal. Back to bed I go.

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