Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fallish update

Owen took a two hour nap today. That is HUGE in the stay at home mommy world. Usually I "clock out" now around 830-1030, and then go to bed, but today I was able to do all sorts of things that normally can't happen! And all while he rest and repaired his little body and soul!
I unloaded the veggies from the nursery from our morning escapade, planted some seeds up by the house (monitor within earshot of course...No garden trips during naptime, too far!), ate lunch, took a 30minute asleep nap myself, caught up with a girlfriend, and my mom, dug through the present closet, found, and wrapped 3 birthday presents, and sat down to type this. I so so so enjoy my days with Owen (admittedly even MORE so now that I feel rested!) but this little treat of "extra time" has been kinda nice.

When Chris had his stretch off this past weekend his parents were in town and Chris and his dad worked on making us a new entertainment stand. It looks absolutely professional and I can't wait to put it to use! It is Owen proof as well.

I taught the diabetes class I love teaching so much last week. I hadn't taught with Kaiser since July so it was great to get out and exercise my nutrition brain. It was the biggest class, as well as the most interesting. We shared a wall with the flu clinic's kid station, so every 10 minutes a unsuspecting victim would scream out in pain....

The garden is still producing cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, tomatiilos, parsley, jalapenos, and green beans. Got some loot today to get the winter stuff a going.

Chris's parents also watched Owen twice last week. The first time was so Chris and I could go on a dentist date (Scandalous I know!!) and the second was to attend a friends birthday party. It was so nice of them and so great for us to spend some time together.

Owen continues to eat more and more. We have backed off the volume of his tube feeds just slightly to attempt to motivate him a little more, and also not to fluid overload him. He took 7 ounces of water throughout the day the other day!! The next day I mixed half strength milk and he took 5 and today is full strength and he has taken about 1.

He is babbling up a storm now, and enjoys pushing cars all over the place. He says: Ball, Hat, Hot, Mom, BOMB, bottom (thanks grandma for teaching him that one!), Sometimes Pop or Pa,  and now makes some sort of uh oh noise. He says these all with perfect pronunciation of course, just kiddin! Better go, he's a calling!

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