Wednesday, February 16, 2011

7 Months Old

Owen is 7 months today... He is finally making more noises, and has been discovering his voice. I feel his sounds are a little behind others his age, but I don't blame him. The tube can't feel good when you are trying to voice your opinion, ya know? He is a professional sitter, although now and again I will find him rolled over onto his stomach from sitting, like he just wants to see what he can get into on his tummy. He is not crawling but he does a push up and can get onto all fours. He STILL is not sleeping well...Some nights he will sleep for 4 hours then be up every hour on the hour. He has a pretty good alarm clock, on the minute, seriously. Last night was pretty amazing... After 2, count them 2, spews and changes of jammies, swaddle, and bed, he slept pretty much through the night... Probably from 10-6:45 am with a few whines and whimpers. Chris and I are not used to this so I did keep waking up to make sure that he was still elevated in bed. He has a problem scooting down in bed. This wouldn't be an issue, but we are feeding him through the night now and we really don't want him to aspirate. He stayed in place last night! Dad did have a great idea of attaching velcro to the bed as well as his swaddle...That is the next step! Just don't want the swaddle to go over his head..
Ok better go pump, eat, and do laundry...Those spew changes are not light on the laundry load.

A word from UCSF (not yet but hopefully soon!)
Christmas in February with Paul and Janet
Extreme home makeover Britton style

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