**Just have to say that Owen is sleeping on me right now....This time is precious and I know that I will laugh at myself in the near future at the fact that he would actually nap on me...I have a feeling he is going to be on the go and hard to stop for a nap, let alone on me!**

Owen and I packed up the prius and headed up to my moms house. I hadn't been there since my shower in June!! Can't believe it! Since Chris was working anyway, we decided to go up and stay a night early. Wow the car was packed-IV pole, pack and play, a million changes of clothes (he goes thru 3 on a good day). We made it up there and Christmas was in full effect! Court came up early too, as well as Julian. We watched an old classic, Mean Girls (haha not classic at all, just a funny surface movie) and off to bed, for Christmas morning once again was ahead! (Due to 2 nurses in the immediate family, we had Christmas on the 27th this year since their schedules were so conflicting).
HILARIOUS picture of Owen!!!!!! Love it!