Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Owen loves his hands, Mommy, and Daddy

Owen and I were playing around with the camera on the computer. He loves getting kisses and smiles sooo big it melts my heart! He got the RSV antibody booster yesterday which he will get once a month through the winter/spring. His weight check today was 11# 4 ounces. He is hanging between the 5-10th%tile despite all of our interventions. That is just the way it is! He is soo happy and loves to do errands with mom. He eats his hands at any opportunity available, loves to go on bumpy country road stroller rides, and has attempted rolling over without success so far! He even slept for a stretch of 6 hours the other night! I was awake waiting for him to wake up...Something is silly there:)

We are loving having a baby! It is probably the biggest adjustment of our lives so far (and probably ever!) but it is the best thing ever!

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