Thursday, June 25, 2015

Happy 32nd to my love!

Chris spent the day (and a few hours a few other days!) creating a water-slip-and-slide for all ages!
Owen really wanted to make Chris a "man face cake" so this is what he got... I used a razor blade and created a stencil. It was pretty funny.

The girl cousins picked out Uncle Chris's birthday hat, which he donned in the field the whole afternoon.

Cousins all had a blast!

My beautiful moms!

And not-excited-for-photos Papas!
Ara stayed up late so we let her snuggle with Lil and zone out on photos on Wynt's phone.

Ice cream cake or popsicles? Hard choice!

Happiest birthday Chris!

Just sittin on eggs

Henny spent the month of May sitting on eggs. We've never "allowed" them to do so, but I figured we would let it ride. It really was fun to check the eggs, mark them, and to have the hope that a chick may come out of the ordeal. Well 21 days passed, 28 days passed, and then into the upper 30's. A broody hen only leaves her eggs 1 maybe 2 times per day, thus losing body weight, making horridly huge broody poops, and attempting to hydrate and eat in her quick break. Therefore, it really isn't good for a hen to brood too long. 

 It was fun but no chicks hatched. And we didn't get many eggs to eat...
 The hollyhocks started to bloom, which is one of the signs that summer is here~
  A volunteer sunflower about 4 feet tall at the time.
 My helper bringing egg cartons down to the chicken yard.
 These two spend hours playing and jumping. We had a relaxing afternoon watching airplanes, birds, and bugs fly by. We were laying on the trampoline for almost an hour!
Plum tuckered out
 One of my favorite garden sights is seeds emerging into plants. Just in this little part of dirt these sprouts are in different stages of growth, even though we planted them at the same time. That's a good reminder that we're all on our own time.
 These littles are great helpers. The metal bucket has chicken scratch in it which they share with the chickens in plentiful amounts daily. This quick snapped shot also shows them sharing with each other which is just lovely!
 Another quick snapshot~ Twins~ I haven't really realized how  much they look alike until I stared at this photo for a while. They really have the same squinty happy eyes!
 Potato harvesting was a let down this year. The drip system wasn't watering that raised bed very well so the early heat of June did not help the plants thrive. We usually harvest mid July but we pulled them out a month early.
                     Digging for treasures

 One of Gramp's old hats and a stick makes for a nice scarecrow.
 Zinnia fever is coming!!
 O helping me thin out the asparagus plants.
 Zinnias and asparagus
 Water is SO enticing to play with~

 Ooops found some plums from last year in the deep freezer... When this years tree was almost ready... We also went blueberry picking a couple of times in June and they made for a sweet galette treat.
 Very hard to see but we had a family of wild turkeys live on our property for about a week. They had 3 babies which were so sweet to watch run around the property.

Nasty! These are all over this month, inside the house mostly.

 Helping pick cherries~
 Taking in the morning~
 Owen calls them dust buddies~ chickens roll in the dirt to "clean" their feathers and body